Monday, November 16, 2009


I just bought a devotional book by Jon Walker. It's amazing that it took me so long to realize that I'm a kind of person who needs an extra long time to think through a topic. Well, at least, it makes me realize that we often don't know as much about ourselves as we might proclaim.

Anyway, truth to be told, my devotion time has been lacking lately and the direction has been all over the place. So, today it finally hit me that I need help to guide me through my devotion time. Not random online devotion, but more like devotional book with a clear theme. So, I decided to buy a book titled, "Growing With Purpose" by Jon Walker.

Why did I decide on this one? Well, I realized that every stop signs in our lives are put there for a purpose. We can chose to go through it without learning anything from it, or we can take a moment to grow from it. That's why I think this devotion theme will fit better for my focus ----- at least for now. So, if you are with me, let's grow with purpose ^_^.

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